Motivations and voting decisions of young voters in the 2023 parliamentary elections - research report.




young voters, electoral motivations, PiS, KO, political parties, parliamentary elections


The article discusses the issue of young people's electoral decisions after the 2023 parliamentary elections. It contains an attempt to explain what the electoral motivations of the surveyed group of people were. It is also an attempt to deepen the topics regarding political choices and the participation of young voters. Independent qualitative research was conducted using the in-depth interview technique, which details the problem. Analyzes showed that a lot of young people voted against the Law and Justice government, compared to the previous elections. There is also considerable reluctance to exercise power in this party. Respondents opposed to PiS justified their electoral participation in changing the government because they were not satisfied with it. They believed that this group did not care about this age group and did not meet their expectations.



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How to Cite

Fołta, P. (2024). Motivations and voting decisions of young voters in the 2023 parliamentary elections - research report. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 11(17), 61–69.