Life of young Ukrainians today – through the eyes of refugee students from Ukraine




students, Ukrainians, war refugees, SPC UJ, qualitative study


The article analyzes a qualitative study conducted on 13 students, refugees from Ukraine, studying at Polish studies for foreigners at the Jagiellonian University. Students wrote an essay about young people's lives Ukrainians today (a.d. 2024). Full freedom, the official version of the very life of young people in Ukraine, as well as life refugees – largely based on practical experience. The emerging picture of the life of young Ukrainians of essays, is not a stroke painting. The reality of young Ukrainians today, marked by the ongoing conflict war, is filled with stress, fear and anxiety about the end of one's own life, that of the rebels and the homeland.


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How to Cite

Izdebska-Długosz, D. (2024). Life of young Ukrainians today – through the eyes of refugee students from Ukraine. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 11(17), 24–32.