The problem of mental health disorders in adolescents in the Pandemic time from the perspective of psychology


  • Anastazja Mołodecka Gabinet Psychologii Pozytywnej



Abraham Maslow, Erik H. Erikson, isolation, youth, COVID-19 pandemic


The article presents the mental problems of young people during the COVD-19 pandemic. A meta-analyses based on research into the mental health of adolescents in Poland and other countries show that in the face of pandemic isolation it has got huge influence on people. Especially in between youngsters who are particularly exposed to various types of mental health disorders. The intent of the article is to answer the question what predisposes young people to such negative feelings. Most of all, the psychological theories of A. Maslow and E.H. Erickson are specified showing the unusual development of needs of young people. Due to these theories, it can be concluded that the cause of the recently observed mental problems of adolescents is the deprivation of their developmental necessities.


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How to Cite

Mołodecka, A. (2021). The problem of mental health disorders in adolescents in the Pandemic time from the perspective of psychology. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 7(11), 88–92.