Nothing has changed – everything has changed. Effects of remote education in the process of educating special educators.




educational sociology, educator, pedeutology, remote education, educational sociology, educator, pedeutology, remote education


The work deals with the functioning of remote education in the university space. The figure of the teacher / pedagogue
is one of the key figures in terms of the education system, it is a component of the entire education process. That is
why it is so important to analyze the changes that have occurred through the introduction of remote education in
the fields of study that prepare future teachers for work. The article is a report on a triangulation study (participant
observation and survey) conducted among students of special education. It shows which of the areas in the education process have undergone the greatest changes, what consequences for the future may have the changes, and presents the opinions and feelings of students studying remotely.


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How to Cite

Puzio, K. (2022). Nothing has changed – everything has changed. Effects of remote education in the process of educating special educators. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 9(13), 57–66.