Distance education: an opportunity or a threat?





digital society, new media, distance learning, mediated relationships, teaching practices, digital natives, digital migrants


The period of the Covid-19 pandemic has raised the issue of remote learning in a very violent way. This is treated as a forced necessity that, in the opinion of teachers, parents, and experts appearing in the media, brings more harm than good. Many examples are cited to confirm this thesis. The rupture of the direct student and teacher, the student and the student, the parent's teacher, is emphasized. There is a lot of talk about the psychosocial effects of contacts mediated by instant messaging. The reduction in the quality of teaching, difficulties with assimilating the necessary material with students are emphasized. Attention is drawn to the need to engage in the educational process to a greater extent than parents is currently.

The question arises whether in the era of the media society (media civilization) or even the digital society, the use of modern means of communication provided by Levinson's new new media, distance learning is a threat to the course and quality of the education process? Or is it an opportunity for modern schools that can be used to change the way they see and, more importantly, practice education? An attempt to answer this question will be the subject of my text.

Another area is the challenges that distance learning generates for school didactics. This also forces a new way of thinking about education and changes in didactic practice.

The article will be a catalogue of problems generated by the new technological environment for education, rather than a presentation of verification of more or less detailed hypotheses.


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How to Cite

Niezgoda, M. (2022). Distance education: an opportunity or a threat?. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 9(13), 20–30. https://doi.org/10.24917/ycee.9243