Selected aspects of the educational process in war conditions in Ukraine




education, war conditions, training organization, models, forms, training technologies., war conditions


Education has always been and is an important branch of social life, a necessary condition for further progress and development. Many security parameters of the Ukrainian society are beyond the critical level, which are the consequences of the war. This dictates the need to develop new approaches to the management mechanism, in particular, in education, to create new models of the educational process. In Ukraine, legal regulation of the educational sphere is carried out during the period of martial law. During the period of martial law, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine continues to implement the state policy in the field of education, ensures accessibility and continuity of the educational process, and sets the goal of covering all Ukrainian children with the educational process, regardless of their location. Organizational models and forms of education have been developed, all the possibilities of IT technologies and electronic resources are used, the necessary information is provided by informational educational systems. Teaching thinking (logical, critical, alternative, analytical, innovative) becomes a priority educational direction.


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How to Cite

Shvay, R. (2022). Selected aspects of the educational process in war conditions in Ukraine. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 9(14), 4–14.