The young generation of Ukraine as a catalyst for socio-political changes in 1990–2022




new generation, Ukraine, revolution, war in Ukraine, Revolution of Dignity, youth


For over 30 years of its independence, Ukraine is doomed to a constant fight for its freedom to this day. Its geographical location at the meeting point of great civilizations as well as the complex historical context affect the geopolitical threat to its independence. However, from the complete loss of independence at the expense of its eastern neighbour (both in political and social terms), Ukraine was saved by frequent student protests which over time turned into revolutions that engulfed the entire society. The article aims to show the influence of the young generation on the most important socio-political events in Ukraine, which resulted in the country’s pro-Western course. The author wants to analyse, above all, source texts and scientific studies, especially in terms of emphasizing the participation of young people in these events. The content of the article clearly shows the role played by young people in different periods of Ukraine’s development, and their desire to join the lifestyle of their Western peers. It was the Ukrainian youth over the last 30 years who saved the country from returning to their homeland – the “nostalgia” of their parents and grandparents.


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How to Cite

Kamionka, M. (2023). The young generation of Ukraine as a catalyst for socio-political changes in 1990–2022. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 10(15), 48–55.