Overeducation and Academic Diploma Inflation in the Perception of Management and Law Graduates





overeducation, academic degree inflation, higher education, graduates, management, law


The article is dedicated to the phenomenon of overeducation, which refers to an excess of graduates from higher education institutions and academic diploma inflation. The significance and value of a higher education diploma have diminished compared to the past. This shift is related to the massification of higher education, resulting in an oversupply of graduates relative to the demands of the job market. The article discusses the issue of overeducation and academic diploma inflation in Poland. Additionally, it presents findings from qualitative research related to how graduates in management and law perceive academic diploma inflation and overeducation. These findings confirm the existing problem of an oversupply of individuals with higher education in Poland and highlight several negative consequences.


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How to Cite

Sobczak, A. (2024). Overeducation and Academic Diploma Inflation in the Perception of Management and Law Graduates. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 11(17), 52–60. https://doi.org/10.24917/ycee.11185