The role of objective and subjective health-awareness factors in students' higher educational pathways
health-awarness, higher education, student pathwayAbstract
According to the results of higher education research, students’ higher educational pathways can be diverse. In addition to standard students, some students belong to one of the risky and corrective academic pathway types and thus face a higher probability of dropping out. Our study examined objective and subjective elements of health-awareness and behaviour along pathways and countries. In our analyses, we used the PERSIST 2019 database, which included students having an active student status in the academic year of 2018/19, from one of the easternmost higher educational regions of the European Higher Education Area (N=2199). Our results show that it is worth paying attention to students belonging to non-standard types of academic pathways as they are the ones who are the most distrustful of higher educational actors and most dissatisfied with higher educational factors.
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