The emotional condition of educators after the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19, emotional condition, teachers, educational orderAbstract
The aim of the article is to diagnose the emotional condition of teachers in the context of the educational order changing under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes caused by the limitations related to the need to prevent the spread of the coronavirus revealed that the entire system was unprepared and caused a deterioration in the well-being of many participants in the educational process. Using the CAWI method, in June and July 2021 a study was conducted on an full-sample of tutor teachers in Zielona Góra, declarations from 449 teachers were collected. We formulated a hypothesis that the pandemic situation reinforced the experience of negative consequences for the psychological condition of teachers. This complex educational role, combined with the constant exposure to the risk of COVID-19, has an impact on teachers, their emotional reactions and mental health, and the consequences of such a state of affairs may become apparent from a wide perspective.
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