Distance education and return to schools in the minds of ukrainian schoolchildren





school education, schoolchildren, distance learning, COVID-19 pandemic, Ukraine


As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, many societal systems have suffered a future shock. Among them is the education system. Over the past two years, much research has focused on the problems of the pandemic period, which have arisen in both educators and learners. However, there is still no comprehensive understanding of them. The ‘Identification of barriers hindering the Ukrainian and Polish schoolchildren’ return to schools ’project, funded by NAWA, attempted to study and compare such problems among schoolchildren in Ukraine and Poland. This text presents the main problems during the distance learning period of Ukrainian schoolchildren, which they mentioned in a representative sociological study. One of them was the fatigue of distance education and the difficulty of perceiving educational material through the screen.


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How to Cite

Iuzva, L. (2021). Distance education and return to schools in the minds of ukrainian schoolchildren. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 8(12), 24–33. https://doi.org/10.24917/ycee.2021.12.24-33