The condition of students returning to schools after distance education. The cases of Poland and Ukraine
distance education, learning loss, representative survey, Poland, UkraineAbstract
The article presents the results of research into the effects of distance education among Polish and Ukrainian students. The study aims to show the conditions in which distance education was carried out in the school year 2020/2021. Yet another aim of the paper is to diagnose educational, social and psychological consequences of distance education. The research was conducted on a sample of 1000 respondents in Poland and 1022 respondents in Ukraine with the use of a representative survey method, which were computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI). The results of research indicate that distance education was evaluated negatively by the respondents. It has led to learning losses and the occurrence of bad habits, which make the return to regular education more difficult. It has also created mental burdens and resulted in a general deterioration of health.
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