Distance education and its impact on school performance: A cross-section study in Poland and Ukraine





educational loss, distance education, secondary effects of the pandemic, representative study, Poland, PUkraine


Distance education is perceived as a negative phenomenon leading to educational losses and competence gaps. As a reaction to this problem, the first representative study carried out during distance education which presents the students’ opinions on this subject-matter was conducted. The study was carried out on a sample of 1000 students in Poland and 1022 students in Ukraine using a representative survey with the use of the CAPI technique. The results of research indicate that according to the subjective students’ evaluation of their level of school knowledge, it has decreased in comparison to the time before the pandemic. The analyses have shown that the main factor responsible for the sense of educational losses are the secondary effects of the pandemic. The students who had social problems as a result of the pandemic, and whose mental and physical condition deteriorated as well as those who had cognitive problems have experienced a decrease in their school knowledge during on-line education to the greatest extent.


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How to Cite

Długosz, P. . (2022). Distance education and its impact on school performance: A cross-section study in Poland and Ukraine. Youth in Central and Eastern Europe, 9(13), 4–19. https://doi.org/10.24917/ycee.9171